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At Christ Church, Isle of Dogs in East London, it's our vision:
- To be a holy people who rejoice to call God 'our Father' and delight to worship and serve him
- To enjoy the presence and the friendship of Jesus Christ
- To be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit's abundant gifts
This won't happen without you! We'd like to welcome you to travel with us. In this website you'll find out about the things we believe in, God's creation that we love, the church we treasure and the things that make us passionate Christians here in East London!
Services this Weekend
More Information about our Church
Christ Church, is at 151 Manchester Rd, London, E14 3DR, at the southern tip of the loop in the River Thames (we call it ‘The Island’).
The congregation comes from many nationalities, traditions and denominations and reflects the diversity of the Island’s changing population.
Christ Church belongs to the liberal catholic tradition of the Church of England. Our worship is beautiful, using colour, music, teaching, drama and poetry. Please find our music programmme for the month at the bottom of this page.
Our community is relaxed and welcoming. We have different groups offering children’s work during the week. The focal point of our life together is the Parish Mass at 11am on Sunday. This is live-streamed for major festivals.There is Sunday School for children who are 3 and over, and there is a carpeted area at the back of church for smaller children and their parents. We share older children and youth work with other churches in the area.
Please follow the link to access our noticesheet for the coming Sunday here.
We also post our latest news on the Christ Church IOD Facebook page.
Map - where are we based?
We welcome people who want to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith. We run a Parish Education Programme online (Mondays 19:00 -20:00) and recordings from this course are posted on the Home Page and in the drop-down menu Parish Education Programme.
Please visit our Prayer Page to remember in prayer those who are sick and those who have died. Names are published with the consent of the individual or the family.
Giving local churches depend on the generosity of their members and the local community. Christ Church Isle of Dogs is no different. Please use the button below to take you to our secure giving page. Please look out for our QR code on the noticeboads which will take you to the same site.
Music for forthcoming services...
Sunday 6th October, the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 6th October, the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
Introit In voluntate tua Within your will, O Lord, all things are established (from Mordechai’s prayer in the Greek version of Esther) - Chant 13, E.J.Hopkins Parish Psalter
NEH 369 Happy are they, they that love God (tune: Binchester)
Psalm 8, chant 42 - F.A.G Ouseley, Parish Psalter
NEH 262 We plough the fields and scatter (tune: Wir Pflugen)
Communion Hymn NEH 277 Bread of the world, in mercy broken (tune: Rendez a Dieu)
Communion Anthem For the beauty of the earth – John Rutter
NEH 320 O perfect love, all human thought transcending (tune: Strength and Stay)
Sunday 13th October Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
Introit Si iniquitates observabis Domine If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities - Chant 13, E.J. Hopkins, Parish Psalter
NEH 271 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, his the sceptre, his the throne (tune: Hyfrydol)
Psalm 22:1-15, Chant 64, S. Wesley, Parish Psalter
NEH 337 As pants the hart for cooling streams (tune: Martyrdom)
Communion Hymn NEH 63 All ye who seek a comfort sure (tune: St Bernard)
NEH 445 Pock of ages, cleft for me (tune: Petra)
Sunday 20th October
No 11am service at Christ Church, St Luke’s Patronal at St Luke’s Millwall
Sunday 27th October Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity
Introit Exultate in nomine sancto Rejoice in the praise of God's holy name - Chant 13, E.J. Hopkins, Parish Psalter
NEH 433 O worship the king (tune: Hanover)
Psalm ‘In Majesty and Splendour’ , Norman Warren, Psalm Praise 115
NEH 495 God is working his purpose out (tune: Benson)
NEH 280 Deck thyself, my soul with gladness (tune: Schmücke Dich)
NEH 440 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! (tune: Lobe den Herren)
Sunday 3rd November All Saints Sunday
All-the-Church-Family Service
NEH 197 For all the Saints (tune: Sine Nomine)