
8am – Book of Common Prayer Communion Service (Mass) This is a said service (no music). We prepare ourselves by saying the Angelus, before enjoying the rhythm and poetry of Thomas Cranmer’s Prayer Book. There is no sermon or address – we pause during the service in silence to reflect upon the Scripture passages we have heard.
10.55am – Sunday School . For children who are 4-11 yrs. Sunday School happens in the Parish Room at Christ Church. We gather at the South door of the church for the congregation to pray for us before we go upstairs.
11am Parish Mass . This is a sung Mass in contemporary English, with hymns and songs and a sermon. In keeping with our catholic tradition we use incense at this service and colourful robes for those who are leading the service. Once a month the service is more informal and involves people of all ages.
6.30pm Evening Prayer . This is a simple said service to end the Sabbath. Once a month it is replaced by Choral Evensong. These services are often used by newcomers as a way quietly to get a flavour of our worship.
8.30am Monday – Thursday Morning Prayer This is the prayer ‘fuel tank’ for the Parish. We listen to passages from the Old and New Testament in the Bible and we respond by prayer for the needs of the world, the needs of the Parish and our needs individually. There are a number of things that we pray for regularly, among them the Dioceses of the Anglican Communion (the Church of England is part of this).
5.30pm Monday, Tuesday, Friday Evening Prayer This is a reflective service, bringing to God the experiences of the day and praying for his blessing on those we have met.
7.15pm Wednesday Said Mass This simple service is an ideal way to pause in the middle of the week and top up your spiritual batteries. On the first Wednesday of the month the Mass is a healing service, when we pray particularly for those who are sick, and those who care for them.