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Windrush Day 22nd June
Windrush Day 22nd June
# News

Windrush Day 22nd June
Windrush Stories from the Museum of Docklands
72 years ago, the ship Empire Windrush arrived at Tilbury Docks, Essex. Discover how it changed London forever.
From never-heard-before oral histories to articles exploring our extensive photography collection, we have curated a selection of content that explores the history of the Afro-Caribbean community in London.
Photographing Black Britain: Charlie Phillips
Look through the lens of Charlie Phillips, a groundbreaking photographer who captured the lives of black Londoners in North Kensington, and street life for over thirty years. FIND OUT MORE
How did the Empire Windrush change London?
In 1999, the museum interviewed Sam King, ex-RAF serviceman, one of the 802 people who immigrated aboard the Empire Windrush, one of the founders of the Notting Hill Carnival, and the first black Mayor of Southwark. FIND OUT MORE
Listening to the Windrush Generation
Two of our Listening to London volunteers, Shanice and Jasmine, have selected six oral histories exploring life in Britain in the 60s - from Windrush immigrants to their children. FIND OUT MORE
On display: Caribbean family in Trafalgar Square
This painting, one of a pair, depicts a Caribbean family feeding pigeons in Trafalgar Square. Both paintings date from the 1950s, a period when debate about commonwealth immigration was at its height. FIND OUT MORE
Photographing Black Britain: Neil Kenlock & Armet Francis
Neil Kenlock and Armet Francis took their cameras onto the streets of North Kensington to document the lives of African-Caribbean people across London and beyond. Both Jamaican-born, they arrived in Britain as children and became well-established professional photographers. FIND OUT MORE
London, Sugar & Slavery
The Windrush generation changed the political and cultural makeup of London today. The gallery documents these stories of identity in formation and recognises important questions concerning citizenship and anti-racism. FIND OUT MORE
On display: Brixton Market
The painter David A.N. Williams says of this painting: 'Beneath the railway bridges that criss-cross Brixton there is a lively colourful environment. All my pictures drawn during the summer of 1988 attempt to document the everyday life of the market and the characters who live and work in it' FIND OUT MORE
Photographing Black Britain: Roger Mayne & Henry Grant
Discover how photographers Roger Mayne and Henry Grant brought an outsider's perspective to North Kensington, fascinated by the community they found there. FIND OUT MORE
On display: Because They Know Not
Alvin Gladstone Bennett, a West Indian poet and journalist, wrote this novel about migration to Britain. The author came to England in 1954, representing a group of newspapers in Jamaica, to report back on the situation of Caribbean people who had emigrated to Britain. FIND OUT MORE
Read, learn and support
From a reading list to resources to learn more about Windrush and its repercussions on London today, discover more thanks to our curated selection. FIND OUT MORE
London is the place for me
Listen to Lord Kitchener, the "King of Calypso", sing as he disembarks from the Empire Windrush in this rare video courtesy of Pathe. WATCH NOW