07/08/2024 0 Comments
Christ Church Collection jars
Christ Church Collection jars
# News

Christ Church Collection jars

For some years UNICEF have run a fundraising campaign called Jars of Grace, usually during Lent. We are taking a leaf out of their book (actually taking the label off their jar) to collect the donations that we would usually expect to put on the collection plate on Sunday, and then to deliver the money raised to Christ Church.
During this COVID-19 we have been unable to take the open plate collection that is so much part of our Church of England heritage (it is said that, in normal times, if you are ever stuck for something religious to do, you can always take a collection!). People have continued to give by Standing Orders and via the Parish Giving Scheme (please see the link on our homepage at www.parishiod.org.uk or follow this link
https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/home if you would like to do the same)
If you would prefer to store up your gifts, or catch up with giving you've been prevented from doing, then perhaps you'd consider putting a collection jar for Christ Church on your dressing table, beside your bed or next to the fridge. When you empty your pockets, please put the coins or notes you find into the jar. We are keeping Sunday 11th October as a Gift Day. Before the day, please bring your full jars to the Vicarage, and Fr. Tom will put the money you have raised into the safe. If you wish to give more than the jar will hold (we hope that you might - we are operating at a deficit at present, entirely thanks to the virus, and that is eating into our reserves) then please contact Fr. Tom to find out how to transfer the money into the Christ Church account.