07/08/2024 0 Comments
Support for clergy in the ongoing pandemic and self-isolation
Support for clergy in the ongoing pandemic and self-isolation
# News

Support for clergy in the ongoing pandemic and self-isolation
From the Bishop of London to all Clergy in the Diocese
With the Government’s announcement of a new three-tier system of Covid restrictions, the coming weeks and months will bring a prolonged period of uncertainty and change. While much of the recent media and political emphasis has been on the North of the country, cases and hospital numbers are rising quickly in other areas as well, including in parts of the capital.
Please know that your Area Deans, Archdeacons and Bishops will want to do everything possible to support you in the variety of circumstances in which you find yourselves. We are mindful of the daily risk assessments which you are making in order to continue your ministries in different and safe ways, and of the additional layers of complexity for colleagues who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable or have household members needing to shield.
As you will be aware, since the 28th September it has been a legal requirement to self-isolate when required to do so. As clergy, we also have a moral duty to act in the best interests of our wider communities, and to do everything we can in order to limit the spread of the virus. For the full government guide on self-isolation, please click here.
Please contact your Area Dean in the first instance if you need help. Your Archdeacon and Area Bishop will also be glad to know and will want to support you in prayer and practically. Support is available for you to self-isolate and to work from home where possible and can be provided within your deanery for services, occasional offices, or any other essential duties.
In extreme circumstances – e.g. if you are ill and there is no one who can provide cover, if several members of your leadership team are ill, or if there is an outbreak among your church community – you may wish to consider postponing Sunday worship. You have my permission as Bishop of London to do this in circumstances where, if worship were to go ahead, it would breach legal requirements or constraints intended to control or limit the spread of Covid-19.
As a minimum, you or your PCC Secretary should as soon as practicable notify (a) your Area Bishop and (b) the congregation, with brief reasons but (to avoid a breach of GDPR) without naming those who may be self-isolating or have tested positive. Alternative forms of worship – such as online services – should be offered where possible.
The church’s season of remembrance will have a particular poignancy this year and you are in my prayers as we approach All Saints, All Souls and Remembrance Day. I do not underestimate the toll which all of this is taking and I urge you to look after your own physical and mental health and that of the members of your households.
The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, Bishop of London